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Wednesday, December 28, 2016

3. Letter i,j,k,l

Letter I,J,K,L

Another 4 letters with their words.

Are you still here? The sound recording uses syllable blending. Once all letters are finished, the syllable blending will not be used anymore. From the first article up to the third article you have already learned 12 words in Bahasa Indonesia.

You will learn one word and that is Bali, one of the most famous place in the world and in Indonesia, https://id.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bali, in the last word below. 

Letter I in Bahasa Indonesia has only one sound and that is short i in English.

I,g,a make the word iga which means rib in Bahasa Indonesia.

The sound of letter J in Bahasa Indonesia is

J,a,d,i make up the word jadi which means so... in English.

The sound of letter K is

J,i,k,a make up the word jika which means if... in English.

The sound of letter L in Bahasa Indonesia is

B,a,l,i make up the word Bali which is one of the most visited place for traveling in the world.

Hopefully this article helps.


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