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Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Early Reader

Teach Children Learning Reading Early.....?

Teach Children Learning Reading is one of the greatest programs that I have used. I bought this program 2 years ago and the result is amazing. Isn't it amazing to see children inside the car or when walking read words on sign boards or read the names of shops?

This program trains not only reading skills, but also writing, comprehension, aesthetic and many more skills. It comprises audio sounds, sight words, flash cards, simple stories (nursery rhymes), and many more. Its exercises challenge students to think/analyze through circling, coloring and other methods.
Certainly anyone can come up with their own creativity applying this program. Jim Yang in his video uses a persuasive approach in teaching his children. He understands well the attention span of his children. His son at the age of 2.5 could read words already. We can see his interaction with his son in the video.

This program will boost children's confidence when they go to school and prepare them better at higher grade when they have to read thick documents or learn other language. Bear in mind that not all children have the same pace of learning.

I believe it is fine for introducing reading to children when they are still below school age. The habit of reading must grow and be consistent. We remember that every child is unique. Basic skills must be acquired. It is also important for us to impress character education. The main objective of this program is to teach children learning reading.

You may want to come up with counting and simple math for your kids.

Thank you for your time and attention.


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